The period between June and August was classified as the hottest on record on the planet. Last September was also. And October has repeated the same script. This succession of hot months increases the certainty that 2023 will be the hottest year to date, according to a new report from the Copernicus Climate Change service. They tell it in La Vanguardia . Fossil fuel-producing countries Special Data plan to increase extraction despite climate commitments . The largest fossil fuel producers will exploit more than twice as much by 2030 as they should to limit warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, warns the Production Gap Report of the UN Environment Program (UNEP). ). We tell it in Climate .

Anthropogenic warming, cause of extreme droughts in Syria, Iraq and Iran . The extreme droughts that have affected millions of people since 2020 would not have occurred without human-caused global warming, according to an attribution study from World Weather Atrribution. The analysis claims that the climate crisis makes these severe and long-lasting droughts no longer rare. They tell it in The Guardian . The WMO expects El Niño to continue until April, and fears that 2024 will be even warmer than 2023 . The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has anticipated this Wednesday that the current El Niño climate phenomenon, which is usually linked to a rise in temperatures, will continue at least until April 2024 and that next year will therefore be even warmer than 2023, already on track to break heat records. They tell it in EFE Verde .