On three occasions he was mobilized with the group deployed in Granadilla for sanitary zeal and persecution of smuggling; For two years he acted as a clerk in the Military Command of the Canton of Abona and, above all, he Email Marketing List was a Brigadier of the Regiment, then the Battalion and Section of Abona, over 29 years, in three different periods. He was named Knight of the Royal and Military Order of San Hermenegildo, upon being awarded the Cross of the same, and obtained his retirement with salary. He constituted the trunk of an illustrious saga of granadilleros.

He was born in Granadilla de Abona on April 4, 1813, the son of Don Sebastián Reyes and Doña Petra Sánchez Garabote. The next day he was baptized in the church of San Antonio de Padua by the priest Don Manuel González Guillén, with the license of Dr. Don Isidoro Rivero Peraza y Ayala, its own parish priest; He was named “Juan Antonio” and Mrs. María Martín, a resident of the town in the El Draguito district, acted as godmother.