Download JMP Pro v18.0 windows crack download link
Download JMP Pro v18.0 windows crack download link
Download JMP Pro v18.0
what is new in JMP Pro v17.
New in FDE PRO
Spectral Analysis in Functional Data Explorer offers a suite of tools for preprocessing, modeling and performing multivariate analysis of spectral data. This functionality is also good for preprocessing and analyzing chromatographic data.
Genomics and Wide Fitting
Enhanced genomics and wide fitting tools mean better performance for wide problems, specialized features for fitting 2-level by m-level associations and switching regressors one at a time. These improvements also make it easier to handle hundreds of thousands of Ys, suppress reports and direct output to data tables. Features include
Optimized handling of large, wide tables and analysis (Multivariate, Response Screening and data table transformations)
Direct import of commonly used genetic and genomic data formats
New statistics platform for Genetic Marker analysis
New model-based Genetic Breeding Simulations
The Key Features of JMP Pro 18
Predictive Modeling and Cross-ValidationUse the JMP Pro set of rich algorithms to build and validate your models more effectively.
Model Screening and ComparisonBuild a variety of models and determine the best for the problem you are trying to solve.
Formula Depot and Score CodeOrganize your models and save model score code in SAS, C, Python, Javascript, SQL.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)Framework to fit a variety of models, including confirmatory factor analysis, path models, measurement error models, and latent growth curve models.
Modern ModelingUse new modeling techniques, including Generalized Regression with penalized methods, to build better models, even with challenging data.
Functional Data AnalysisCreate models of data that are functions, signals or series with Functional Data Explorer (FDE).
Reliability Block DiagramsEasily fix weak spots in your system and be better informed to prevent future system failures.
Repairable Systems SimulationSimulate system repair events to understand downtime and number and cost of repairable events.
Covering ArraysDesign your experiment to maximize the probability of finding defects while minimizing cost and time.
Term Selection and Sentiment AnalysisUse your unstructured data to identify terms associated with a response and explore basic sentiment.
Mixed ModelsAnalyze data involving both time and space, where multiple subjects are measured or groups of variables are correlated.
Uplift ModelsPredict consumer segments most likely to respond favorably to an action, allowing targeted marketing decisions.
Advanced Computational StatisticsUse exact statistical tests, exact non-parametric statistical tests and bootstrapping statistics.
Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM)
Enables fitting of models with both non-Gaussian response variables and random design effects.
Download JMP Pro v18.0