Almost like a Netflix series, but not as muddled as Dark's script! Today I am going to talk to you about 3 copywriting techniques to make the reader stay glued to the screen of their mobile or PC, or wherever they are reading you from. You stay? Well let's go there. Free copywriting guide The seeds of curiosity I learned Phone Number List this term from Joe Sugarman who talks about them in his book The Copywriting Handbook and they are phrases like: And that's not all. Wait because there is still more And this is what happened We will see this in the next section I know what you're thinking... But let me explain. Do you see the kind of formula they follow? They plant a seed of curiosity in the reader's mind to keep them reading.

They are mainly used behind a slightly longer paragraph where you have had to explain some aspect of your product or service that is a little more complicated. Or when you hint at the benefit that your potential client will get if they do what you want them to do (in most cases buy). In a world loaded with content, what makes people stop and dedicate their full attention?Curiosity + interest Plant seeds of curiosity in your copy and glue the reader to the screen.CopywritingInSpanish Webwriting…CLICK TO TWEET Let's see an example to have it clarinet. “What you are going to discover next also surprised me the first time. But let me tell you how it all started….” Other “Mobile scanning software technology has proven to be the main competitive advantage of 75% of retailers surveyed, since it has increased the speed of completing routine tasks such as inventory management, price verification or picking.