The 1932 decree states that "buyers mus

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The 1932 decree states that "buyers mus

Post by anik4200 »

Pay 5% on any goods sold." The reporting minister, Isabel Gallotti, explained that, in accordance with STJ precedent, the expression "obligatorily" reveals the intention of establishing a minimum value. The judge also recalled Resolution 236/2016 of the National Council of Justice, which guarantees the public auctioneer a minimum of 5% of the auction value, in addition to reimbursement for proven expenses related to the removal, storage and conservation of assets. She highlighted the "CNJ's exclusive competence to regulate the matter". With informatioRosa Weber, president of the Federal Supreme Court and the National Council of Justice, visited, this Tuesday morning (25/7), two prison units in Rio Grande do Norte, as part of the resumption of prison collectives across the country.

Disclosure Rosa Weber during a visit to RN prisons Disclosure The judge was at the Rogério Coutinho Madruga and Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes State Penitentiaries — the latter known as Alcaçuz Penitentiary —, both located in the city of Nísia Floresta (RN), in the Metropolitan Region of Natal. In an article published by ConJur , the minister narrated that, during the visit, "we reaffirme Special Phone Number Data d the spirit of synergy and composition of the different actors in the justice system that marked this paradigmatic policy of the CNJ." Detainees reported to the minister problems such as: overcrowding (25 prisoners in spaces with 12 beds), spoiled food, failures in health care, lack of mattresses, little daily water release time (up to 15 minutes per day), lack of showers.


sunshine and conjugal visits, reduction in family visits, lack of access to books or other leisure activities and maintenance of prisons even with the right to regime progression. The new Criminal Procedural Mutirão seeks precisely to reevaluate processes and penalties imposed on inmates, to verify which of them may already have benefits. The forecast is that, in the next 30 days, more than one hundred thousand cases will be reviewed in the 27 Courts of Justice and the six Federal Regional Courts in the country. The CNJ intends to carry out two joint efforts per year. In 2023, cases involving prisoners who are parents of children in early childhood or with disabilities will be reviewed, in addition to provisional arrests in force for more than a year and still pending sentencing.
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