Credit is not subject to recovery regardless of the origin of the fiduciary guarantee

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Credit is not subject to recovery regardless of the origin of the fiduciary guarantee

Post by xyz2000 »

Credits with fiduciary guarantee are not subject to the effects of the debtor's judicial recovery, regardless of whether the asset given as guarantee originates from the assets of the debtor under recovery or from third parties. Disclosure Minister Nancy Andrighi's vote reaffirmed the position of the 3rd Panel of the STJ on the topic of Disclosure With this understanding, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice upheld the special appeal filed by Caixa Econômica, fiduciary creditor of a company that sells hospital materials that is in judicial recovery.

The private debt consolidation, confession and renegotiation contract was signed between the parties using real estate as collateral, which was provided by a third party. Because of this, the São Paulo Court of Justice understood that article 49, paragraph 3 of Law 11,101/2005 would not apply . The rule indicates Telegram Number Data that the credit held against the company under recovery by the fiduciary owner of movable or immovable property is not subject to the effects of the recovery process, as property rights over the thing and contractual conditions prevail. The rule does not specify, however, whether the asset sold on a fiduciary basis must originate from the assets of the company under recovery.


For the 3rd Panel, the personal identification of the fiduciary or fiduciary with the object of the guarantee or with the company in reorganization itself is irrelevant. Still in 2016, the collegiate established the only precedent on the topic, in Special Appeal 1,549,529 . The position was reaffirmed in the new case judged, removing the effects of judicial recovery from the credit securitized by Caixa Econômica Federal. Rapporteur, Minister Nancy Andrighi adopted the understanding of the previous precedent according to which the position privileges the entire legal system designed to house the institute of fiduciary property. Moura Ribeiro accompanied the rapporteur.
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