On the other hand, digitalization continues to be a burden, a pending issue to Email Data face the difficulties that some Valencian companies are going through, such as the lack of business density or access to new markets, that is, the internationalization of the business fabric.
According to the latest BBVA Research report , if the Valencian Community increased the level of digitalization to the national average, the region's productivity would increase by 3.9% and could reach the pace of the capital, which registers a rate of 14.5 %.
Furthermore, these two pending tasks will have to be resolved in a scenario of greater uncertainty. Firstly, the lower growth of the Economic Monetary Union (EMU), which has already been reflected in the poor result of goods exports during the first half of 2018.

Secondly, the increase in the price of oil, derived from supply restrictions, could generate a strong impact on the economy. Thirdly, although protectionism is almost imperceptible in Spain, it could reduce investment expectations.
Finally, political fragmentation and short-term uncertainty over fiscal policy, along with other pending reforms, which should be addressed in 2019, will not make things easy either.