The 2020 Higher Education Census, conducted by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), revealed a significant increase in interest in health courses, including Pharmacy. Enrollments grew substantially, with emphasis on Pharmacy (416%), Biomedicine (190%), Nutrition (70.5%) and Nursing (30.4%). Areas of activity for Pharmacy graduates For those who choose to study Pharmacy, the career opportunities are diverse. The Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF) lists six main types of action: Drugs and Medicines: working in the pharmaceutical industry, researching new medicines News US cosmetics, as well as quality control of medicines. Clinical and Toxicological Analysis: conducting clinical-laboratory tests to diagnose diseases, with a focus on occupational and sports toxicology. Food: ensuring microbiological quality control in the food industry and participating in the development of new products. Education: contributing to research and academic institutions to shape future generations of healthcare professionals. Public Health: playing a fundamental role in controlling epidemics and diseases, as well as in health surveillance and vector control.

Integrative and Complementary Practices: exploring fields such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and more. The CRF lists more than 70 possible areas of activity within these modalities. However, in addition to the course completion diploma, it is necessary to obtain official registration with the Regional Pharmacy Council in the state in which you operate, which is responsible for regulation and professional ethics. Ensuring greater quality of life, professional satisfaction, acquisition of assets and excellent retirement conditions. The first step to working in one of the highest paid professions today is identifying what you like to do. Here, we present some of them, but there are many others that, without a doubt, can allow you to live with a great salary. So, the first step is to identify this career in question, but taking into account not only the financial gains. And once you choose the professional path to take, start studying to achieve your goal.