However, in cases of hormone release

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However, in cases of hormone release

Post by aysha276 »

Positive situations, there is a stimulus for the individual, while in negative situations there are emotional effects that are harmful to health. Factors that generate stress the main elements that generate stress may involve excess responsibilities, toxic relationships, divorce, difficulties at work or unemployment situations, financial difficulties, family conflicts or health problems in the family. A survey carried out by the institute of psychology and stress control (ipcs) with 2,195 brazilians reveals that more than 34% demonstrate excessive stress levels. Furthermore, in some cases, stress may be linked to or cause the development of diseases of the nervous or digestive systems. Another important point to be clarified is that stress can be a simple and natural reaction of the body, and does not always cause any inconvenience.

However, when it comes to intense and prolonged conditions, it can characterize the emergence of psychiatric disorders. Stress is not exactly a disease, but it can represent a trigger, an adaptation of human beings to something unforeseen, which may or may not be overcome. But when these negative stressful events are prolonged, they end up causing physical and psychological consequences, which turn into illnesses. Symptoms of stress overdoing work, using drink, food and smoking as an excuse to calm down, sleep Country Email List disturbances and even some levels of task procrastination can be the first classic symptoms of stress. After a certain period of exposure to continuous stress, skin diseases, allergies, reflux, intestinal and autoimmune diseases, urinary tract infections, insomnia, and worsening of symptoms in patients with heart problems may appear. Stress treatment the most essential attitude to prevent stress is to avoid the situations and circumstances that generate it.


In general, when a problem causes stress, the ideal is to look for ways – and if necessary help – to resolve it. Knowing that stress is basically an emotional effort response, the best way is to prevent situations in which these responses have the potential to reach high levels of exhaustion. In cases where avoiding this type of situation is not possible, the best thing to do is try to find a way to relax, which can vary greatly, as each human being is unique in every aspect. Tips to avoid stress despite this, there are broader recommendations, which can be adjusted to the peculiarities of each person and, therefore, can help reduce cortisol levels – the stress hormone – in anyone. Eating healthily and regularly practicing physical activities, for example, release serotonin and dopamine, the hormones responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being. Other tips to help prevent stress are breathing deeply, investing in manual work, sleeping well and practicing meditation.
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