How often and why do air conditioning filters need to be cleaned?
First of all, we have news to remind you: a colony of bacteria and microorganisms lives in your air conditioning as dangerous to your health, or more so, than any other source of Czech Republic Mobile Number List biological dangers that you can find in the bathroom itself. All that dirt accumulated in your filters for months and years can be generating bad odors in the room, moving air with mold that will cause respiratory problems and worsen your allergies.

Not an attractive scenario, is it? Furthermore, and being more pragmatic, the dirt accumulated in your filters also makes it difficult to ventilate cold air , so you will notice that your air conditioning is working worse and worse and you need to increase its power to obtain the same results. Solution? The same: lets clean! Remember to do it at each change of season, that is, when we go from cold seasons to warm seasons and vice versa.
First of all, are your filters washable?
Be careful when carrying out this necessary maintenance, because some air conditioning units incorporate filters made of materials that are not washable , and must be directly replaced with new ones (consult the instructions for your equipment.