The Most Used Payment Methods in Ecommerces

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The Most Used Payment Methods in Ecommerces

Post by shuklamojumder02 »

When you have an online or eCommerce business, you must take your customers into account to correctly select certain payment methods. Although it is seen less and less, there are still many buyers who are distrustful when paying online. To achieve trust with potential buyers, one of the best actions to take is to offer several payment methods. In this way the buyer will choose the one that gives him the most confidence. Imagine that for whatever reason you only offer a payment method that the potential customer does not have enough confidence in, the most likely thing is that they will go to the competition and you will lose that sale. Payment methods for your eCommerce designed for each type of customer In addition to trust and security, a customer will feel comfortable purchasing from your eCommerce when they see that the payment methods adapt to their profile. It is important to differentiate between B2b or B2c customer profiles or targets.

We can mainly find four types of payment methods: POS or bank cards Payment by bank card is one of the most used and at the same time one of the safest when the entire payment process is carried out in a secure and encrypted environment owned by the bank. This payment method is the one most implemented today by different online businesses. According to the latest study carried out by Ingenico ePayments, 67% of consumers in Spain use this method. Just by calling or going to your bank office and requesting it, they will give you the guidelines Japan Telegram Number Data and information so that you can incorporate it as a regular payment method. eWallets With the advancement of technology and keeping in mind that more than 91% of the Spanish population has a Smartphone and more than 83% has a laptop, the use of eWallets such as PayPal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay or Apple Pay is a very popular option. to take into account for the most “technological” clients.


The advantage of people who use this type of payment method and one of the reasons why they use it is that with username and password type access they do not have to fill in card information and billing address. They add the products to the cart and selecting their payment method, logging into the selected eWallet, confirm the payment and the order is placed and paid. A fast, safe and effective process. Traditional payment methods: transfer and cash on delivery In this case we are faced with a form of payment such as transfer that gives more security to buyers because they do not have to put their data anywhere, and now a large number of users have their bank and bank application installed on their smartphone. You can do it in a simple and quick way. This is one of the payment methods most used by B2b customers.
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