If you are only going to try to buy a domain sporadically, you may be interested in making a backorder from godady . If you are one of those who go to the limit, you may be interested in these Colombia Mobile Number List tools to find domains. Tools to find expired domains and reserve them Xenu Xenu is a tool that allows you to scan any website, finding links that return errors, not only the typical 404 error but also 500 errors and expired domains. So, for example, you can even get your competition to link to you if they have a broken link to an expired domain. The good thing about Xenu is that it is free! The bad thing is that it is only for "Windows of the prairie"… but hey, I'm sure that some brave soul still spends on Windows xD. Here you can download Xenu or you can also visit the Xenu page , the best web design I have seen, black leg I would say.

How to find expired domains in Xenu Well, it's very simple. Enter the domain and once you have all the results, you have to check the domains that return no such host . Oj0! If you scan, for example, a university website it can even take days, so you will have to limit the search depth. expired-xenu-domains Even if it says no such host, there are times when the domain is not free, so be sure to check it. Many times you can see that it is a subfolder or that they have misspelled the domain. Here I leave you a post Ruben Alonso on how to use xenu Screaming frog Yes, you can also use screaming frog to scan web pages similar to yours and get broken links from expired domains. use-scraming-frogThe free version allows you to browse 500 urls, here you can download screaming frog The use of screaming frog is very simple for this task, you just have to check the links that give errors and see if the domain is free or the website simply does not allow screaming frog to scan it.