Schüller says that it doesn't matter to him that it doesn't matter to him

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Schüller says that it doesn't matter to him that it doesn't matter to him

Post by meher172 »

A year or so after he carried out one of the most flagrant cases of rebellion against the doctrinal authority of the Church in recent decades, Father Helmut Schüller, Austrian priest who promoted the "call to disobedience", has been stripped of his title of monsignor and the status of "Chaplain of the Pope". His archbishop, Cardinal Schönborn, was in charge of communicating the news to him. And his response has been truly shocking: “Das ist für mich kein Drama” And what does “ Das ist für mich kein Drama ” mean? Literally “ For me this is not a drama .” But it can also be translated as “I don't give a damn…” , or “What those titles were for…”, or “I'm going to cry for this… HE!” In other words, if someone in Rome has thought that Don Helmut is going to change his position because they stop calling him Monsignor , let him abandon that thought.

Certainly the Church has changed its way of proceeding towards internal rebels. In the 16th century, the “call to disobedience” would have immediately produced a papal bull of excommunication towards its authors and towards those who had supported it with their signature. Now things are calmer. A group of priests b ]Job Function Email List[/b] ask that a doctrine be changed that has been infallibly defined by the ordinary magisterium - therefore, it is irreformable - and, curiously, they can continue to be priests. Cardinal Schönborn said in September last year that the path of dissent would have consequences . But, honestly, if it all comes down to the fact that the leader of the dissidents is stripped of some titles that he despises, the Church will be fine. We can think that this is just a first measure against Schüller and his people.


Maybe others will come behind . If there is anything clear about what is happening, it is that the rebels do not intend to take a step back. I don't know if it makes much sense to maintain a status quo in which a group of priests publicly demonstrate that they have no intention of abiding by the authority of the Church, while the Church responds with speeches and more or less forceful words but without taking clear and emphatic measures. intended to settle the issue . It is obvious that stopping calling the leader of the revolt monsignor is not going to change anything. Meanwhile, the faithful will continue to attend the spectacle amazed . It remains to be seen what the reaction is in the Austrian clergy to what happened. I fear that they may publish another little letter or manifesto supporting the former monsignor and former papal chaplain.
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The union related to Vox organizes a general strike and encourages people to unsubscribe from CCOO and UGT

Post by shima672 »

The celebration of his latest judicial victories, such as

The annulment of the first state of alarm in the Constitutional Court , hide the reality of a noisy strategy thwarted in the courts, which has even led to him being sentenced to pay legal costs. His lawyers, including Javier Ortega Smith himself, follow a designed and thought-out strategic plan of complaints, appeals or appearances, always related to highly media cases. ABASCAL IS ALSO LOSING THE STREET BEFORE FEIJÓO'S MODERATE AND PEACEFUL MESSAGE Abascal attended the demonstration called by the PP in Puerta del Sol Abascal attended the demonstration called by the PP in Puerta del Sol The other opposition that had always worked for him was street protests. Since the famous photo of Colón in which PP and Ciudadanos accepted his strategy, many things have happened. With Ciudadanos missing in the Congress of Deputies and Sánchez's agreements with the Catalan independentists to achieve his investiture, Feijóo has been winning the streets over Abascal.

Feijóo and Abascal show two very different forms of opposition in the streets . Those of the popular ones , always more numerous and peaceful. As an example, the one held on Sunday, November 13, in 52 provinces with nearly two million protesters and without any incident; and those of Abascal focused on the headquarters of the PSOE , with the Phone Number List always appearance of violent and provocative elements. Even Abascal himself surrendered to the evidence on November 13 , attending the central event called by the PP at Puerta del Sol in Madrid. At that moment he justified his presence because in the face of the amnesty, separate parties do not count, but rather the unity of all Spaniards. Feijóo's failed investiture debate already made it clear who will be the head of the opposition , a position for which in the previous legislature he even challenged the late Pablo Casado . In the popular bench they anxiously await the path that their leader is going to show them when he intervenes to reply to the candidate Pedro Sánchez.


Solidaridad , the union related to Vox, is looking for formulas to be able to call a general strike against the amnesty that Pedro Sánchez is negotiating with the independentists of ERC and Junts. Those responsible know that they have a difficult time because, today, the mechanisms to make a call of such magnitude are only available to the CCOO and UGT, which are the majority unions. The intention of this mobilization is to protest against the amnesty and also against the forgiveness of Catalonia's debt , both issues included in he relationship they have found in Solidarity for a mobilization of these characteristics is that the money to implement the measures of the investiture agreement "comes from the workers' taxes ." by Taboolayou may like Otegi plays ambiguity with Bildu while designing a 'plan b' Thank you for watching For now, until finding the formula, he has just made a call for next Wednesday, November 15, to go to the national headquarters of the PSOE, located on Ferraz Street in Madrid, to protest again against the investiture pacts of Pedro Sánchez with independentists and the amnesty for those prosecuted for the 'procés'.
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Re: Schüller says that it doesn't matter to him that it doesn't matter to him

Post by harry88 »

Feijóo's moderate approach gains traction over Abascal's confrontational strategy, as seen in recent street protests. Abascal's tactics, marked by complaints and confrontations, contrast with the PP's peaceful demonstrations. Feijóo's leadership in the opposition becomes evident, especially after the failed investiture debate. Solidaridad, linked to Vox, seeks ways to protest against Sánchez's amnesty plans, facing challenges due to limited mobilization capabilities.
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Re: Schüller says that it doesn't matter to him that it doesn't matter to him

Post by watson53 »

That's an interesting perspective. It suggests a sense of detachment or perhaps a philosophical stance. It could imply a deep acceptance of things as they are or a belief in focusing on what truly matters to oneself. It also hints at a level of self-awareness and introspection. Overall, it's a thought-provoking statement that invites further reflection.
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