Knowledge platforms. What are they and why will they be essential?

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Knowledge platforms. What are they and why will they be essential?

Post by eti800 »

Fully immersed in the Knowledge or Information Society, the growth of any organization must be considered through its ability to structure and manage its intellectual capital and extract value through the generation of new knowledge.

Today, the design and construction of a personalized knowledge platform is within the reach of any type of company. Understood as software that allows you to store, classify and consult all business information. With the ability to transform it into useful knowledge for the growth and evolution of the organization .

Of course, since it is software, it Denmark Email List has the advantage that its development and updating is fast, continuous and built based on the trial/error philosophy using lean design methodologies .

Structure and raw material
The structure of any knowledge manager is based on people, technology (engine and interface) and knowledge (explicit/tacit, external/internal). But, since we are talking about open innovation , we include any individual or organization with an impact on the generation of our value proposition. Furthermore, as technology seems to be an endless catalog of possibilities, our obligation is to create a powerful but simple tool, ambitious but not pretentious and above all, customizable but not exclusive.

The raw material of any knowledge platform is information. The resulting byproduct is knowledge and the final product is the successes that arise from its constant application in any area of ​​our company. Information as such has limited value. The challenge is to transform it into valuable knowledge through the use of technologies and through a defined role of people.

A knowledge management platform is useful when it is capable of transforming tacit knowledge (the information that people possess) into explicit knowledge (which is available to any member of the organization) and creating a perpetual cycle (Nonaka and Takeuchi Model). ).

Success factors
The decision to launch a platform comes from general management. This does not mean that it is the CEO who discovers the need to build it, but rather that his commitment is determined and convinced. Therefore, his main role will be to ensure that the platform is used focused on the company's strategic objectives and so that the benefits achieved are quantifiable.


In our opinion it will not take long for us to see new profiles who, reporting directly to the CEO, are responsible for the good state of the platform. And, what is more important, that it is useful for the company and fulfills its purpose.

Issues such as governance, the size of the groups (if there are debates), the number of participants, the forms of participation, the type of roles and responsibilities of each user directly affect the success of the platform. But above all, governance is critical to keep the platform in optimal operating conditions, to encourage its use and so that the value obtained is useful for the company's strategic objectives.

The search engine and filters are decisive when it comes to achieving high quality standards. The perception of users must be that all the information included on the platform is reliable. It is advisable to establish certain rules about what can be published and what is reviewed beforehand. Related to the latter, when publishing or maintaining links to external sources, it must be verified that the information is public and that there are no confidentiality or copyright problems.

Technology as an enabler
From a technological point of view, it is convenient to work under an open source concept and LCMS ( Learning Content Management System ), such as Moodle, And it is for two important reasons:

The first is because any modification made to the initial code materializes quickly, at a low cost and by a non-specialist programmer.
The second, because programming in open source allows us to quickly and without trauma incorporate the new technologies that are constantly emerging in terms of information search and analysis and also in terms of visualization and interaction with the user.
Obviously, a knowledge management platform is a strategic tool aimed at producing competitive advantages. If it is not perceived as such and if its role is not a protagonist within a strategic and cultural change, it will be of no use. Tools work because they solve a need and because their use shows that they are useful.

Success requires a strategic approach
In short, the changes are here to stay, but the advantages of the digital economy for both people and companies are undeniable. However, for companies to carry out a successful business strategy , it is necessary to consider and design a business restructuring before implementing new technologies. That is, just using them will not imply a transformation. If you want to start with this transition and have questions about it, contact us and tell us. We can advise you. We will wait for you!

Close a meeting here. We will advise you without obligation on business strategy, innovation and project development. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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