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how to download ImplaStation Dental Implant Planning Software torrent link, tested working 100%, download ImplaStation online,
ImplaStation Dental Implant Planning Software download
Create any types of surgical guides by means of ImplaStation – based on teeth, mucosa, bone, or combined, as well as guides according to a special protocol for the double scanning technique

DICOM file Processing
Open your DICOM files and directories of any types
DICOM convertion
Convert DICOM files to STL easily and conveniently taking into account the optical density adjustment
DICOM segmentation
Convert DICOM to STL with manual or semi-automatic reconstructed surface correction
DICOM cutting
Crop unnecessary areas of the DICOM file along a curved path
Double scan technology
Create guides using double scanninng technology (stl-surfaces creating and processing from (or on the basis of) the second DICOM-scan)
ImplaStation Dental Implant Planning Software
Navigation And File Browsing
Panoramic and MPR modes
View your project in a suitable mode: panoramic or MPR. Build several different panoramic curves
Rotating slice view
Check the tissue around the virtual implant in the rotating slice window
Simple and convenient navigation
Enjoy intuitive control, rotate the viewing axes, move the axes quickly or align the viewing axes with the implant axis by double-clicking
Drilling Planning
Drilling Planning Manager
Control all parameters when planning drilling – the dimensions of the implant, guided sleeves, drills and special settings (V-factor and the use of spacers) with the help of a special visual planning manager.
V – factor
Implement simple and visual control of the V-factor parameter. The controlled drill apex shift relatively to the implant apex compensates for the difference between the aggressive V-shaped tip of the drill and the safe shape of the implant tip. This function is often used in case of bicortical fixation
Working with tool kits
Add the necessary tool kit for guided surgery to ImplaStation, as well as the drilling sequence information. When working with the tool kit – the drills will be selected discretely, when selecting the finishing drill, the drilling protocol will be automatically created