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Stata mp 18.5 StataNow v18.5

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 2:33 am
by kaper
Stata mp 18.5 StataNow v18.5 ... now-v18-5/

Stata/mp 18.5 Stata/MP 2025 StataMP 18.5 latest version – Win and Mac
StataMP 18.5 Latest – Win and Mac Historically, we have released a new major version of Stata about every two years. We will continue to do so, but most users will now have access to StataNow – a continuous release of Stata. StataNow gives you immediate access to new features in the development, testing, and documentation groups. Features in StataNow are the same as some that will eventually appear in the next major release of Stata. StataNow users will continue to get additional features throughout the life of the release.
You can read more about StataNow, including how to get it, and you can see its initial set of additional features. But let me tell you more about it here.
First, StataNow is Stata. To be exact, the current Stata that most of you have is Stata 18.0. StataNow is Stata 18.5 (we’ll call it StataNow 18.5 from now on). When using StataNow, you should use the 18.5 version launcher and do-files, just as you used the 18.0 version launcher and do-files before. Why are the version numbers different? Because StataNow is newer than Stata 18.0, some things in it may need to be different from Stata 18. This is no different than when a new version is released, it has different versions, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, and so on. As always, StataNow is backwards compatible, so any programs, do-files, datasets, and so on from earlier versions will work in StataNow without changes.
What if we need to version something in both Stata and StataNow? Then we will release Stata 18.1 and StataNow 18.6.
The documentation and help files for Stata 18.0 and StataNow 18.5 are identical. StataNow features are included and clearly labeled.
The format of datasets in StataNow is the same as in Stata.
What new features are in StataNow, and how often do we add features to StataNow? Check out the current set of new features. There is no fixed schedule for releasing new features, but we expect new features to be released fairly frequently—several times a year. We will not release any new features before then, which means that anything released in StataNow is fully official, tested, verified, certified, and documented, just like all features we release in new versions of Stata.
When Stata 19 eventually comes out, it will of course include all the features that appear in StataNow plus some additional new features. StataNow users will be able to automatically upgrade to Stata 19—in fact, they will upgrade to StataNow 19.5 when Stata 19.0 is released, and over time StataNow 19.5 will gain additional features as soon as the Stata genie is ready.
We are excited to bring you the new features we add to Stata, getting them into your hands faster!
List of new features of StataNow
1. Estimation of high-dimensional fixed effect model
The absorb option is added to the xtreg and areg commands to absorb high-dimensional fixed effects
2. Enhanced functions of Do-file Editor, including code folding enhancements and automatic completion of variable names
3. Meta-analysis of correlation
4. Robust estimation of weak tools
5. SVAR model through instrumental variables ( ... ar-models/)
6. Bayesian quantile regression
7. Bayesian asymmetric Laplace model
8. In terms of causal inference, the teffects command has enhanced functions for causal inference
The teffects aipw command for estimating treatment effects can now provide estimates of the average treatment effect on the treated objects through enhanced inverse probability weighting, and can adjust the sampling weight results.
9. Robust standard estimation for VAR models The var command for fitting vector autoregression (VAR) models now allows the vce (robust) option to estimate robust standard errors.
10. Color by variable for more plots
The colorvar option is now available for other bidirectional plots: line plots, link plots, TSLINE, RLINE, RNeded, and TSRline plots. This means you can change the color of lines, markers, etc. in the plot based on the value of a specified variable.
11. PyStata Enhancements
12. Bayesian Analysis
Bayesian Model Average (BMA)
Bayesian Quantile Regression StataNow
Bayesian Asymmetric Laplace Model