VPIphotonics Design Suite software 11.4
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VPIphotonics Design Suite software v11.4 full crack download
VPIphotonics Design Suite software is an efficient tool for simulating photonic integrated circuits, photonic device design, optical transmission system design and optical network design. This software has the ability to connect to optical test and measurement equipment as well as other photonic simulation software.
This software is an advanced simulation tool in industrial photonics since 1996. The history of this software is longer than Lumerical, and due to the integration of all simulation tools and its accuracy, it has been used more by the component and system manufacturing industry than other similar photonic software.
photonic components and optical transmission systems
VPIphotonics Design Suite software consists of two parts: Transmission Design and Component Design, and its version 11.4 is provided by Pars Optics specialized group with a scientific guarantee:
The transmission design department is used for the design, development and optimization of transmission systems and includes the following simulation tools:
VPItransmissionMaker Optical Systems tool
This tool is used to design new photonic systems and sub-systems, including short-range, access, metro and long-haul optical transmission systems, and enables the development of technology strategies.
VPIlabExpert tool
This tool is used to reduce the practical efforts and manufacturing costs in the laboratory. This tool accelerates the optical and electrical simulation of system components by virtualizing laboratory equipment and using its advanced capabilities.
VPItoolkit DSP library
This library contains an extensive collection of laboratory-proven digital signal processing algorithms. This library is used as a pluggable toolbox for VPItransmissionMaker and VPIlabExpert and includes a wide range of modulation formats such as DPSK, Coherent PolMux QPSK, PDM QPSK, PS QPSK, Golay Coding, OFDM, Phase-conjugated Twin Waves and Probabilistic Shaping is supported.
VPItoolkit QKD tool
This tool is a quantum key distribution plugin for the VPItransmissionMaker tool and provides an extensive library for system simulation of discrete variable DV and continuous variable CV quantum key distribution scenarios. This tool includes modules for system simulation of QKD transmitters, QKD receivers, parameter estimation and secret key rate calculation.
The Component Design department is used for the development and optimization of photonic integrated circuits, optical electronic devices, as well as amplifiers and fiber lasers, and includes the following simulation tools:
VPIcomponentMaker Fiber Optics tool
From this tool for designing, modeling and optimizing fiber optic devices such as doped amplifiers, Raman amplifiers and parametric amplifiers, continuous wave and pulse fiber optic sources, optical signal processing for telecommunication applications, High-power fiber laser and ultrafast fiber laser are used.
VPItoolkit PDK tool
This tool is used to create a custom library of VPIcomponentMaker photonic circuits and takes advantage of the PDK process design kit at the circuit level for different photonic integrated technologies (indium phosphide, silicon, silicon nitride, polymer). This toolkit uses a cost-effective approach to design photonic integrated circuits specific to ASPICs.
ML Framework’s VPItoolkit
It is common to both Transmission Design and Component Design sections and is actually a versatile add-on for any of the VPIphotonics Design Suite simulation tools. This tool is used to design and implement deep neural networks (DNN) with various applications, such as equalization and reduction of nonlinear effects of optical systems, device characteristics, and also, design and reverse engineering of photonic devices.
Those interested in order to prepare VPIphotonics Design Suite version 11.4 software by clicking on the link below, place an order and they will be contacted after reviewing the request.