Exposure to gluten, with or without a condition

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Exposure to gluten, with or without a condition

Post by ayshakhatun389 »

consisting of celiac disease (BORGES, 2019). Also according to Borges (2019), the perception that the nervous system can become ill from the consumption of gluten dates back to 1966, when an article published in Brain Magazine entitled “ Neurologic Disorders Associated With Adult Celiac Disease ” highlighted 16 adult patients with neurological disorders. and with celiac disease, with ten patients having severe neuropathy and all having developed ataxia. Gluten-associated ataxia, a disorder where the individual completely loses balance, becoming unable to stand, was the first neurological condition typified not as a consequence of celiac disease, but an autoimmune condition where antibodies form against another part of the body that not the intestine – the reaction is against the cells of the cerebellum.

When the condition begins, within a few months these patients have their cerebellum destroyed by their own antibodies, with no possibility of regeneration (BORGES, 2019). The list of neuropsychiatric disorders related to cases of individualsPhone Number List with CD has increased in recent decades, thanks to the excessive inflammatory cascade that originates in the intestine. They are: ataxia, neuropathy, migraine, epilepsy, myopathy, attention deficit, cognitive deficit, optic neuritis, sensory ganglionopathy, restless legs syndrome, multiple sclerosis, attention deficit hyperactivity, stiff person syndrome, vascular diseases, depression, autism, Tourette syndrome and psychotic or manic episodes (BORGES, 2019).


Researcher Ítalo Rachid (2020) states that the deficits in iron, vitamin A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid that most Brazilians have, can be worsened by celiac disease and are associated with cases of: *Peripheral neuropathies (generally sensory): celiac disease is detected in up to 10% of patients; *Brain atrophy and dementia: 10 to 15% of patients diagnosed with no previously known cause are celiac; *Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: 71% of children diagnosed with celiac disease present abnormalities in the electroencephalography exam; *Migraine: it is estimated that 5% of patients who suffer from migraines have celiac disease. The fact is that gluten in celiac or non-celiac patients directly affects the neural system, inflaming cells and compromising important synaptic processes.
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