Banco Santander and Inditex, Spanish companies with the highest CO2 emissions from work flights

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Banco Santander and Inditex, Spanish companies with the highest CO2 emissions from work flights

Post by afiyaislam421 »

Global aviation is responsible for approximately 2% of greenhouse gas emissions, and its impact on the climate is almost double when factors beyond are taken into account of carbon dioxide (CO2). These figures are increasing as the sector grows and there are no decarbonization plans in the short and medium term. In a climate crisis context like the current one, Spanish multinationals do not have credible plans to reduce emissions from their work flights and establish emissions reduction targets. This is revealed by the second edition of the classification on business trips prepared by the international campaign Travel Smart (travel with intelligence), led by the European organization Transport & Environment and in which Ecologistas en Acción participates.

The campaign evaluates the emissions, reduction objectives and transparency in information on work flights of 322 European, North American and Asian companies. Volkswagen, KPMG and Johnson & Johnson are the top three broadcasters in the ranking without targets to reduce emissions from corporate travel. In the Spanish panorama, the companies WhatsApp Number List that emitted the most in 2019 as a result of their work flights were Indra (62,787 tons of CO₂), Banco Santander (53,445 t CO₂) and Inditex (34,219 t CO₂). Last year, ACS and Skunkfunk stood out in negative terms. «Companies turn a blind eye to the harms of flying for work. "The majority of multinationals studied are taking very little or no action regarding business flights, making any other travel objectives meaningless in the context of the fight against climate change," he says.


From Ecologistas en Acción they indicate that this demonstrates the importance of these large stations setting themselves emission reduction objectives to achieve the global objective of the campaign: reducing travel emissions by 50%. corporate airlines by 2025. "Reducing aviation emissions is now more crucial than ever, to avoid exceeding the 1.5°C limit of global warming established in the Paris Agreement," they say in a statement. To prepare the classification, the Travel Smart campaign has analyzed 10 indicators related to different parameters of air travel emissions, reduction objectives and company reporting. Depending on their score, companies receive a grade of A, B, C or D. The majority of Spanish companies, 16 out of 18, have obtained a C score. Mapre, the only one that proposes reducing flights Only 50 companies of the 322 evaluated have objectives to reduce their business trips.
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