My extensions popularity statistics

The phpBB Group keeps track of how many times an approved extension gets downloaded. I was surprised by how often some of my extensions have been downloaded as well as surprised that some, like my Digests extension which I’ve had the longest hasn’t been downloaded more often as it should be very useful. Filter by Country and Spam remover, both fairly recently extensions, have been big hits.

Here are my current download statistics:

  • Spam remover: 167,434 downloads
  • Filter by Country: 109,644 downloads
  • Selective mass emails: 26,899 downloads
  • Smartfeed: 3558 downloads
  • Digests: 2122 downloads

Selective mass emails version 1.0.9 (Release Candidate) released

Only minor changes were made, but it is tested on phpBB 3.3 and works on that and phpBB 3.2. Details here.

It can be downloaded from the GitHub branch or from the extension’s page. If downloaded from GitHub, make sure to disable the extension first, remove the old filed and place the files in the /ext/phpbbservices/selectivemassemails directory.


Selective mass emails extension version 1.0.6 released

Made a mistake in version 1.0.5 that facilitated my testing, I just forgot to correct it. It’s related to the new feature to count unapproved posts. It was counting approved posts instead, which was much easier to test than creating an account and setting up a bunch of unmoderated posts. Happily, it was a one line code fix

It can be downloaded from the extension’s page or on GitHub.