
Digests 2.2.24 available

You can download this latest version from my digests page.


  • Fixed an issue with mail_digests.php that caused a PHP notice if there were no foes for a user.
  • Balance Load function wasn’t balancing correctly, in part because I did not have a big enough database to test it adequately. Thanks to Brian O’Kelly,, for letting me use his system to troubleshoot the problem. As a result there are major changes to the file changes for /includes/acp/acp_board.php and the logic now balances the load correctly.
  • includes/acp/acp_board.php also fixed to address an issue with tightly secured forums, i.e. where no forums are publicly accessible.

Limitations on external monitoring services

I recently discovered that external monitoring services like may not pass HTTP headers identifying the request as originating from a browser. This can cause mail_digests.php to fail in these situations. They occur if you have no cron or scheduled task capability on your web host and your web server is configured to not allow traffic which does not appear to be from a browser.

If you want, I can ping mail_digests.php on your server for a $20 setup fee and $5/month for calling one instance hourly. Contact me if interested.

Smartfeed, Digests and phpBB 3.0.12 compatibility

I’ve tested Digests version 2.2.23 and Smartfeed version 2.2.26 for compatibility with phpBB Version 3.0.12.

Smartfeed works fine, however attempts to install Digests 2.2.23 using the archive written for phpBB 3.0.11 will fail in /includes/functions_messenger.php. So I have corrected the archive and published it here. It will take some time for the update to be applied on

Both archives have been updated to state that they work with phpBB 3.0.12.

Updated services page

I have updated my services page. I have upped my prices for some services and my general hourly rate for $25/hour to $30/hour. Why? I feel I am worth the money. Also, because I don’t necessarily need a whole lot of business, I can afford to get a bit less business, probably at no appreciable loss to my overall revenue.

I also updated the content, and removed a few things. No one was interested in my consulting service contracts, for example, so I no longer offer it.