It was another slow month, which was fine.
- Slow board access with frequent 508/resource unavailable errors. Changed all forums to deny known bots (search engines) permission to read the forums. Purged 85000 sessions. A session is created every time someone hits your board with an IP address not already in the sessions table. The board was configured to allow a session to persist for 99,999 seconds, or a bit more than a day. Changed it to 24 hours. Changed group forum permissions to deny known bots read access to all forums.
- Provided with new favicon image and asked to place it. Resized it to 32×32 and added a line to overall_header.html for the custom style to show it.
- Updated filter by country extension to the latest version. The old MaxMind license key no longer works. A new one must be retrieved and replace the old one on the extension’s setting page. In addition the newest version of the extension must be used and can be downloaded on the extension’s page on this site. The root of the problem was that curl required a tweak to force it to follow redirects received.