I have updated my pricing. Most of my customers are not affected by the price increases. It only affects those in the corporate/moneyed sector.
Many of my professional customers have already paid me more than I have billed, some calling attention that I am dramatically underpriced in this market. So I have doubled my labor rate for this class of customer to $60/hour and doubled my fixed prices for them as well.
How do you know if you have to pay my professional rate? My services page has all the details. In general, if you need an invoice, you are billed at my professional rate. If you have staff and offices, a professional rate applies. It does not apply to hobbyists and small non-profits where pretty much everyone is a volunteer and you run your site on a shoestring. The quality of the service is the same regardless.
If there is a conflict between professional work and other work, understandably I will put those paying at the professional level first. In most cases this is not an issue.
It’s nice that my professional customers are increasing as a share of this business and the extra income is nice as well.