The good news is that the class I created to override the messenger class is written and working correctly. The last issue is to get the mailer running as a phpBB cron task. I am currently stuck there and am seeking assistance to get past this last hurdle.
This latest ripple is discussed here.
It’s pretty mysterious and hard to figure out. TWIG is an open source replacement for phpBB’s templating system. phpBB calls it and TWIG generates the templates. The templates are needed to do the work of formatting the digests in the email. It works fine when I run it in manual mode but when I run it as a cron task it fails with the error described.
It may be that phpBB’s cron system assumes the templating system is not needed, which means I will have to add it. More likely it is something obscure about TWIG and I need a TWIG expert to suggest a fix/workaround.
Hard to know how long this will take. It may be something that is figured out soon, or not. Fixing this problem may expose others. It’s a critical component, however, so I can’t release without it.